by Alessandro Matera | Jan 3, 2020 | Hardware, KeyChainino, Software
The KeyChainino arkanoid-like game is based on a ball that bouncing on the “screen” (matrix LEDs) and a paddle used to avoid the falls of the ball in the bottom part of the screen. The heart of the sketch is the function enabled by the overflow of the... by Alessandro Matera | Jan 9, 2016 | Hardware, KeyChainino
Yeah, I’m not kidding! What I’m about to tell you will increase by 3000% the battery life of your Arduino project if you are using LEDs. I want to give you an example: If you turn ON a lamp it will consume tot watts – for example 100 Watts. Now, if...
by Alessandro Matera | Dec 12, 2015 | Hardware, KeyChainino
Today I searched on the web for some LEDs Boards for Arduino. I found a lot of really cool stuff! There was a shield for Arduino with many LEDs using Charlieplexing Matrix, a shield with some RGB LEDs, LEDs displays with thousand LEDs that comunicate with Arduino...
by Alessandro Matera | Dec 7, 2015 | Hardware, KeyChainino
Every time I make a new project on Arduino, it always ends with an Arduino, lot of wires and a breadboard that i can’t move from my tables. How many times this happens to you and your projects? If the answer is always… well, I think you are not...